Monthly archives: October, 2017

DFO Consultations on expanded use of ticketing for fishery violations

DFO is planning to expand their options for enforcing regulations. They have undertaken to consult with interested parties. Please read all about DFO’s plan and consultation effort here. This issue will be of interest to both commercial and recreational fishers, if not all Canadians.

From a DFO communication sent to the ACS BC:

Both the Contraventions Act and the Fisheries Act allow for tickets to be issued by fishery officers and in some cases Provincial Enforcement Officers, but ticketing is only in place in some regions for identified fisheries regulations. DFO wants to implement a more consistent approach from region to region. As such, we are proposing to introduce ticketing for minor fisheries violations to the following regulations:

  • Pacific Fishery Regulations (PFR);
  • Fishery (General) Regulations (FGR);
  • Atlantic Fishery Regulations (AFR); and
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Regulations (NLFR).

To do so, we will be adding fine schedules to the Contraventions Regulations outlining the fines payable for various minor fisheries offences, for both the commercial and recreational sectors. The fine schedules will be similar to those that are already in place for the Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations and the Ontario Fishery Regulations, with fines ranging from $100—500.

As part at this project, and for the sake of consistency, we will also update the tickets currently issued under the Fisheries Act for violations in the British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulations and move them under the Contraventions Regulations.

Questions that DFO wishes you to consider:

  1. Do the proposed fines and violations make sense to you? Do they seem fair and consistent?
  2. What effect will this ticketing plan have on you and your industry? What are the pros and cons?
  3. Do you think ticketing will be accepted in your region/industry? Why or why not?

Express your opinion by emailing DFO here, or sending postal mail here:

DFO Ticketing Consultation
13th Floor, 200 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0E6

Public Open House on Wild Salmon Policy: Oct 19 at Harbour Towers

Late notice for a public open house on Thursday, October 19th at the Harbour Towers Hotel and Suites in Victoria.

Harbour Towers Hotel and Suites Victoria
345 Quebec Street, Victoria, BC
October 19, 2017
Drop-in between 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Please show up and voice your concern about the Wild Salmon Policy. The ACS is concerned that it does not deal well with issues related to the urban environment, such as:

  • too much habitat destruction
  • dirty and polluted water
  • too few returning salmon to justify the cost of conservation efforts
  • the overall trend in declining returns in recent years

The ACS seeks enough chinook for all sectors, plus the orcas. The clearest way to achieve this is net penning of chinook in all west coast areas, especially Sooke and Victoria. Canada is now at risk of managing this fishery to collapse.

Consultations are underway on the initial draft 2018-2022 Wild Salmon Policy Implementation Plan – for Consultation (“the draft plan”), which includes an overview of WSP strategies, highlights of progress to date, challenges and lessons learned and sets out wild salmon-related activities under the themes of Assessment Work and Integrated Planning and Program Delivery. These are activities that will be undertaken from 2018-2022 to support the goal and objectives of the WSP and build on best practices and lessons learned over the last 12 years.

The draft plan also reflects some of the many contributions of Indigenous peoples, communities, stewardship groups and other organizations dedicated to salmon and salmon habitat conservation across BC and Yukon.

Fall 2017 consultations mark an important opportunity to engage on this preliminary draft, and will help shape the final document. DFO is seeking feedback on the draft document, on how work being undertaken by many communities and organizations may complement and support activities identified in the draft implementation plan, and on opportunities for future collaborative work.

Future public open houses are scheduled as follows:

Prince Rupert
Crest Hotel Prince Rupert
222 1st Ave West, Prince Rupert, BC
October 24, 2017
Drop-in between 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Coast Bastion Hotel Nanaimo
11 Bastion Street, Nanaimo, BC
October 24, 2017
Drop-in between 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Prestige Hudson Bay Lodge Smithers
3251 Highway16, Smithers, BC
October 25, 2017
Drop-in between 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Campbell River
Thunderbird Hall Campbell River
1400 Weiweikum Rd, Campbell River, BC
October 25, 2017
Drop-in between 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Segal Building, SFU, Vancouver
500 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC
October 30, 2017
Drop-in any time between 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Prince George
Coast Inn of the North Prince George
770 Brunswick Street, Prince George, BC
November 1, 2017
Drop-in between 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Sardis – Fraser Valley
Tzeachten Community Hall Sardis
Promontory Rd, Sardis, BC
November 16, 2017
Drop-in between 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Port Alberni
Tseshaht Administration Building
5091 Tsuma-as Drive, Port Alberni, BC
November 20, 2017
Drop-in between 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Best Western Gold Rush Inn Whitehorse
411 Main Street, Whitehorse, YK
November 29, 2017
Drop-in between 6:30pm – 8:30pm

A WebEx session is also scheduled for November 9, 2017, 11:00am – 12:00pm for those unable to participate in the sessions listed above. To join the WebEx session, please go here at the scheduled time/date. For an audio connection: 1-877-413-4788, Conference ID: 795 266 4, Conference Password: WSPIP