Monthly archives: January, 2019

Dec 2018 SFAB Meeting Minutes

These are the minutes of the Sport Fishery Advisory Board main board meeting with the DFO in December of 2018.

A useful read if you enjoy and hope to continue to enjoy sport fishing in BC. Gives a sense of the myriad of details that make up the big picture, and some insight into DFO’s activities and concerns. Also shows the work the SFAB is doing on behalf of the recreational angler.

2019 Five Nations FMP: Meeting Jan 21

The DFO has published their initial 2019 Five Nations Multi-species Fishery Management Plan (FMP). This is a direct outcome of a court decision and order from 2018, and is the first FMP designed by DFO for the Five Nations.

There is a lot of material to read and comprehend in this document.

DFO will be hosting a multi-stakeholder meeting on this topic

  • on Monday, January 21, 2019 at 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
  • at Tigh-Na-Mara Resort in Parksville, BC
  • and via Webex

at which they expect to discuss and receive your feedback on this initial FMP.

If you wish to attend the meeting in person, or would like the connection details to attend by Webex, please advise Tara Sawatsky by email at or by telephone at 604-666-6907.

Gold River Steelhead Decline: Meeting Jan 23

The BC Conservation Foundation invites interested anglers, conservationists and stake-holders to a public information session on the recent decline of Gold River steelhead trout, comprising:

  • A presentation including results of recent stock assessment activities, fishery management actions, and historical context regarding Gold River steelhead, followed by an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
  • Information on how community members may continue to be informed and included in Gold River steelhead recovery.

Where : Campbell River Fish and Wildlife Clubhouse, 2641 Campbell River Rd, Campbell River, BC V9W 4N4

When : Wednesday January 23, 7-9 pm

For more information, contact

Jeramy Damborg
Senior Project Biologist, BCCF.
#1 7217 Lantzville Rd,
Lantzville B.C. V0R 2H0
0: 250-390-2525 C:250-714-9458 

Herring Roe Fishery: Comments Sought

Pacific Wild has alerted us to the opportunity to provide DFO with our thoughts on the herring roe fishery. The ACS is responding in support of a reduction in this fishery that drastically reduces a key support of the food chain that, in the local ocean, leads to the southern resident killer whales.

Herring are a critical food source for chinook and coho salmon and a valuable link in the food chain which supports not only these salmonids but also numerous other fish species. By extension, herring also support the salmon eating resident Orcas and other marine mammal species.

The Amalgamated Conservation Society would like to see the commercial roe/reduction herring fishery curtailed but, at a very minimum, suggest that quotas be reduced by 30% coastwide – to take effect immediately.

DFO is taking comments until January 9. You may express your own thoughts on this issue to:

Victoria Postlethwaite
Pelagic Management Unit
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
1420-401 Burrard Street
Vancouver BC V6C 3S4
phone 604-666-7851