Monthly archives: January, 2021

Petition to DFO: Let us fish for non-Fraser chinook. DFO: Maybe.

A petition, No. 432-00366, to the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, open for signature from July 7, 2020 to November 4, 2020 was presented to the House of Commons by Mel Arnold (North Okanagan—Shuswap) on December 4, 2020.

…acknowledge the existence of abundant Chinook stocks elsewhere on the coast and allow avoidance zones and mark selective fisheries that have been proposed for times and places where endangered Fraser River Chinook are absent or unlikely to be present, and provide details to Canadians for the immediate development of a comprehensive recovery strategy and plan for Fraser River stocks of concern to be implemented as soon as possible.

Excerpt from Petition No. 432-00366

The government response was tabled January 25, 2021.

…the Department is continuing to consider pilot recreational fishery opportunities to selectively target hatchery origin Chinook (i.e. using mark selective fisheries) or other healthy Chinook stocks in areas where at-risk Fraser Chinook can be avoided and where other conservation issues are not expected. In 2020, a limited number of these proposals were approved as pilots subject to requirements for catch monitoring/sampling to address effects of regulations and consultation with First Nations. DFO is currently compiling information to support a post-season review of all salmon fisheries and work is in progress to consider potential additional marked selective fishery opportunities in Spring 2021.

Excerpt from government response to Petition No. 432-00366