The Clover Point Anglers’ Association (CPAA) was formed in 1933 in the aftermath of the great storm of December 22, 1932. At that time, the shore of Ross Bay was lined with boathouses belonging to local anglers. As a result of the storm, all the boathouses, as well as part of Ross Bay Cemetery, were washed away. The City of Victoria approached the boathouse owners, and offered to lease them land and assist financially with the building of a boathouse on Clover Point if, in return, they would form a non-profit angling association and not rebuild their individual boathouses along the shore of Ross Bay. This would allow the City to lower the road along the bay, and strengthen the side of the cemetery. All of the anglers except one voted to do this.

The Association is the recipient of a permissive tax exemption from the City of Victoria due to its non profit status and contributions to salmonid enhancement.

Today the Association is going very strong and there is a waiting list for new members. Only residents of the city of Victoria can apply for membership. There are 25 boats in the boathouse and all boats are limited in size to 12 feet or shorter. The boats are further limited in width to less than 60 inches. These boat size limits ensure the boats fit into the interior boat bays.

The CPAA has prizes available for both a year long competition and an annual fundraising fishing derby.
The President’s Cup Trophy is awarded to the member or associate member who weighs in the largest salmon of the year.
The Door Knob trophy is awarded to the angler who weighs in the largest salmon of the year that is not a Chinook.
The Groundfish Trophy is awarded to the angler who weighs in the largest bottomfish of the year; this is usually a halibut or a lingcod.
The One That Got Away Trophy is awarded at the Annual General Meeting to the angler voted upon by the membership to have had the best “fish story” involving the loss of a big fish that year.
An Annual Salmon Derby is held to raise funds for the Goldstream Hatchery.

Association members may be interested in this page about history.