Monthly archives: August, 2020

16 Sturgeon Dead in Gillnet at Harrison and Fraser Rivers.

The Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance (LFFA) passed on bad news regarding sturgeon deaths at the confluence of the Harrison and Fraser Rivers.

…on August 27th, a Conservation and Protection Officer from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) contacted our organization to inform us that 16 sturgeon were found dead in a gill net at the confluence of the Harrison and Fraser Rivers.

Email from LFFA

DFO Requests Feedback on 2020 Southern Resident Killer Whale Management Measures

Feliksas Markevicius, Recreational Fisheries Program Manager at DFO, has written to request feedback from recreational anglers regarding measures that DFO put in place to protect Southern Resident Killer Whales.

This information will help us to understand more about how the measures are working on the water and to help inform future management measures. Please note, the response to this survey will be collected anonymously and none of the information will be used to pursue enforcement action.

DFO email of August 26, 2020

This link ( takes you to a short survey regarding the 2020 suite of Southern Resident Killer Whale management measures.

You may read here about the Southern Resident Killer Whale management measures. Questions should be sent using email to the Marine Mammal Team –

ACS Supports Protecting Mountain Road Property

The ACS has written to the Mayor and Council of Saanich, urging them to have the District of Saanich purchase the property at 4692 Mountain Road, possibly in concert with the CRD, Habitat Acquisition Trust and other similar organizations. The goal is to have this natural property remain undeveloped as parkland.

a large 49 acre forested parcel of land at 4692 Mountain Road which is currently for sale. This land is within the Viaduct Creek sub-drainage of Colquitz watershed. It performs a valuable function of moderating the runoff from heavy rain events. As such, it is beneficial to the salmonids which rear year round throughout the Colquitz River system. This property also serves to lower the flood risk in the lower watershed.

A similar letter has been sent to Colin Plant, Chair of the CRD board of directors.

We encourage you to add your voice to this issue by writing or speaking to Saanich Council, CRD Directors, and other organizations that may support our perspective on this.

Big Bar Slide: Workaround is Working!

We have a report that in the six days leading up to Sunday, August 2nd, 2,771 salmon have safely entered the fish portal and been transported above the main rock fall area of the Big Bar Landslide.

With the six tube Whooshh Fish Portal now fully operational, it’s expected the numbers will increase as the larger runs arrive.