Update on Save Craigflower Creek

Angela Hanes has written to update the ACS community on the efforts to Save Craigflower Creek.

Hello all and hope you and yours have been keeping well.

Many would have received either a flyer or a communication from Transit showing the projects’ progress and a request to complete a survey. I encourage you to do so AND answer questions they aren’t asking. We all have many more concerns that aren’t addressed in the questionnaire. https://form.simplesurvey.com/f/s.aspx?s=284B4297-AB5B-44AB-BD07-40B62AD2AABB&fbclid=IwAR3GlrcyuJdQBShH8c4eURfrpGoekDFd_m6FSm9J9_o82-U9sD-893IbHTs

**note that as of March ’20 (pre Covid) transit had not communicated with either Songhees or Esquimalt Nations.

That said, I haven’t given up yet and hope you haven’t either. This is all part of the process. Once we get clearance, a plan for a rally and getting more media attention will be underway. This was being planned for the end of March/ early April but Covid sidelined these efforts.

Lastly, a heartfelt thank you for all those who donated to the Go Fund Me campaign. We just received $500 from the Esquimalt Anglers!!!  https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-craigflower-creek

Hope to have an update on this shortly!Don’t lose faith my friends, this is the long game.
