Tag «WSAC»

Wild Salmon Advisory Council: Time to Speak Up!

DC Reid has written an article worth reading with regard to the work of the Wild Salmon Secretariat. Community meetings offer you an opportunity to speak with representatives of the Advisory Council on this issue.

Their paper, Options for a Made-in-BC Wild Salmon Policy, is not a quick read, but speaks to their goals and strategies to achieve their goals. A community meeting is planned for Victoria in January 2019; no specific details as to time and place at this moment.

The complex task of restoring salmon abundance and bringing the benefits from our fisheries resources back to BC simply cannot be done without a whole-citizen effort. There is no question that wild salmon are iconic for this province. They link us to our history and hold the promise for our future generations. Wild salmon are woven into the culture, histories and economies of the Indigenous Peoples of BC and they help to define our fishing communities.