Tag «salmon allocation»

Greater Victoria SFAC Spring 2024 Meeting: Feb. 14, 7 pm

You are invited to the Greater Victoria Spring 2024 Sport Fishing Advisory Committee meeting which will be held February 14, 2024, at the Esquimalt Anglers Association (1101 Munro Street, Victoria  British Columbia  V9A 5P1, Canada).

SFAB Main Board Meeting Synopsis

Rod Clapton, member of the Sport Fishing Advisory Board main board, as well as president of the BC Federation of Drift Fishers, provided some insight into the recent two days of SFAB main board meetings.

  • New DFO Pacific Region head Jamie Scrogg provided a comprehensive, province-wide presentation on the non-tidal salmon fishery, north and south. Creel numbers are not yet available, but are an important measure of the in-river recreational fishery’s impact on salmon stock. Further meetings with DFO staff are expected to take place in March and April regarding tributary fisheries.

These Region 2  Fraser & trib special  meetings were the result of our joint lobbying to the RDG & supported by people like Dean Allan & Terri Bonnet. Imperative we continue these useful discussions.

Rod Clapton email 20210207: Main Board SFAB
  • Of the 538 page long Integrated Fisheries Management Plan, Salmon, Southern BC, DFO senior staff member Jeff Grout highlighted the submission for the BCFDF bar fishery. The bar fishery is subject to approval by both the Province of BC and DFO. Provincial approval or denial is imminent. Any DFO approval, given the IFMP, will likely not occur before June.
  • The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), Canada’s response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and court decisions upholding the fishing rights of First Nations are pushing DFO to change the way in which they manage the salmon fishery and the interests of those participating in the fishery. The SFAB and the BCFDF believe they will need to lobby on behalf of the public to ensure the voice of the recreational fisher is heard.
  • SFAB expressed strongly to DFO staff that the proposed Terms of Reference for the Salmon Allocation Review must include the Public Fishery as an equal participant, rather than be cast to the sidelines as an observer.

Recognized that current & developing Round Tables will play an important grass roots role in both Reconciliation & salmon allocation issues. Discussion on requirement of DFO to consult with the Public Fishery the potential impact of selective fishing proposals…

Many challenges remaining but a lot of great people contributing.

Rod Clapton email 20210207: Main Board SFAB