Tag «recreational fishing»

Salish Sea Salmon Challenge: Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022

The Southern Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition is holding the Salish Sea Salmon Challenge on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022. This event is a fundraiser for SVIAC’s chinook enhancement projects and advocacy work.

At September 1, the 80 cm size limit for chinook is removed for the areas generally fished for this derby, and you may retain up to two (2) chinook per day over the minimum size limit and subject to your coastwide annual allowed catch of chinook. If you fish the waters of Sooke or the Victoria waterfront, we encourage you to support SVIAC and this derby!

DFO Requests Feedback on 2020 Southern Resident Killer Whale Management Measures

Feliksas Markevicius, Recreational Fisheries Program Manager at DFO, has written to request feedback from recreational anglers regarding measures that DFO put in place to protect Southern Resident Killer Whales.

This information will help us to understand more about how the measures are working on the water and to help inform future management measures. Please note, the response to this survey will be collected anonymously and none of the information will be used to pursue enforcement action.

DFO email of August 26, 2020

This link (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XT6RXC3) takes you to a short survey regarding the 2020 suite of Southern Resident Killer Whale management measures.

You may read here about the Southern Resident Killer Whale management measures. Questions should be sent using email to the Marine Mammal Team – DFO.SRKW-ERS.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Washington and Oregon Close Recreational Fishing

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) today announced its decision to temporarily close recreational fishing and shellfishing statewide in the wake of Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s order directing Washingtonians to stay home and stay healthy to limit the spread of coronavirus/COVID-19.

The closures will begin at midnight Wednesday, March 25 and last until at least 5 p.m. on April 8, 2020. WDFW will re-evaluate on April 6 whether the closure may need to be extended.

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Read the whole story here.

Following the announcement today by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) that it will close all recreational fisheries in the state of Washington, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced that it will close recreational salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River, effective Thursday, March 26 at 11:59 p.m.

My Eastern Oregon

This covered in full here.

CSIA on Recreational Fishing

The Canadian Sportfishing Industry Association (CSIA) recently published a document examining the state of conservation in Canada, and how it is being diverted to serve the agendas of U.S. animal rights organizations. The document also examines Marine Protected Areas (i.e. “fishing closures”), their benefits and their current pitfalls, and how anglers can ensure they serve their intended purpose. To read the completed document, Elevating Recreational Fishing to a National Priority, please click here.

All existing DFO / ECCC Marine / Freshwater Protected
Area plans, policies and proposed legislation must
be scrapped while a credible and environmentally
sustainable MADE IN CANADA recreational fishing
policy built on the foundation of the North American
Model of Conservation is independently developed by
stakeholders, without foreign intervention and funding.