Tag «outlook»

Dec 2018 SFAB Meeting Minutes

These are the minutes of the Sport Fishery Advisory Board main board meeting with the DFO in December of 2018.

A useful read if you enjoy and hope to continue to enjoy sport fishing in BC. Gives a sense of the myriad of details that make up the big picture, and some insight into DFO’s activities and concerns. Also shows the work the SFAB is doing on behalf of the recreational angler.

Preliminary 2019 Salmon Outlook

DFO Pacific Region Stock Assessment staff have released their preliminary outlook for salmon returns in 2019. 

Summary of Pacific Salmon Outlook for 2019
A total of 91 Outlook Units (OUs) were considered with 82 OUs receiving an outlook category assignment. Eight (8) OUs were data deficient (ND), and one (1) Pink OU was not applicable given that 2019 is the off-cycle year for this group (NA). Sixteen (16) Outlook Units are expected to be at or above target abundance (categories 3, 3/4, 4), while 39 are expected to be of some conservation concern (categories 1, 1/2, 2). The remaining 27 Outlook Units have mixed outlook levels (categories 1/3, 1/4, 2/3, 2/4). Overall, the outlook for 2019 has declined relative to the previous outlook (2018 for most species but 2017 for Pink Salmon).
Five (5) Outlook Units improved in category (Sockeye: Somass, WCVI-Other, Skeena-Wild; Chinook: Alsek; Coho: WCVI).
Twenty-five (25) units declined in category (Sockeye: Early Summer – North Thompson, South Thompson, Mid and Upper Fraser, Summer – Late Stuart, Nechako, Quesnel, Harrison, Raft, Fall – South Thompson, Birkenhead, as well as Okanagan and Coastal Areas 3 to 6; Coho: Area 3, Haida Gwaii – East (Area 2 East), Skeena, Skeena – High Interior; Pink: Fraser, Georgia Strait – East, West, North Coast Areas 3 to 6; Chum: Fraser River, Johnstone Strait Area and Mainland Inlets, Coastal Areas 5 & 6, Areas 7 to 10, Yukon).

The entire document may be read here.