Tag «marked selective fishery»

Release of Draft 2022/23 BC Salmon IFMPs for Consultation

With FN0168, DFO has released their draft 2022-2023 Integrated Fisheries Management Plans.

The draft IFMPs set out the policy framework that guides decision making, general objectives relating to management of stocks of concern, enhancement and enforcement, as well as decision guidelines for a range of fisheries.

Please refer to the New for 2022/23 for key changes for the IFMP that may be under consideration.

Section 13 of the IFMPs outline the Species Specific Fishing Plans, …

During March and April, the Department will be meeting with First Nations and recreational, commercial and environmental groups to seek further feedback on the draft IFMPs as part of the IFMP consultation process.


You may read the northern and southern IFMPs via the fishery notice, or the links below:

With regard to chinook in southern BC and Fraser River waters, p. 33 says “… management measures similar to 2021 are outlined in this IFMP.” There are also words about mark selective fisheries (MSF) and mass marking (MM) of hatchery salmon, but they see any changes to MSFs occurring only in 2023 (p. 34).

Petition to DFO: Let us fish for non-Fraser chinook. DFO: Maybe.

A petition, No. 432-00366, to the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, open for signature from July 7, 2020 to November 4, 2020 was presented to the House of Commons by Mel Arnold (North Okanagan—Shuswap) on December 4, 2020.

…acknowledge the existence of abundant Chinook stocks elsewhere on the coast and allow avoidance zones and mark selective fisheries that have been proposed for times and places where endangered Fraser River Chinook are absent or unlikely to be present, and provide details to Canadians for the immediate development of a comprehensive recovery strategy and plan for Fraser River stocks of concern to be implemented as soon as possible.

Excerpt from Petition No. 432-00366

The government response was tabled January 25, 2021.

…the Department is continuing to consider pilot recreational fishery opportunities to selectively target hatchery origin Chinook (i.e. using mark selective fisheries) or other healthy Chinook stocks in areas where at-risk Fraser Chinook can be avoided and where other conservation issues are not expected. In 2020, a limited number of these proposals were approved as pilots subject to requirements for catch monitoring/sampling to address effects of regulations and consultation with First Nations. DFO is currently compiling information to support a post-season review of all salmon fisheries and work is in progress to consider potential additional marked selective fishery opportunities in Spring 2021.

Excerpt from government response to Petition No. 432-00366

Friday, Nov 13th, 9:30 am: 2nd webinar of 2020 SFI Conference Series

The second webinar presented by the SFI takes place Friday, Nov. 13 at 9:30 am. The session will be approximately 90 minutes long, with an audience question and answer period following the speakers. The theme for the series is Charting a Predictable Path for Salmon and BC’s Public Fishery.

In this webinar, the discussion turns to Mark Selective Fishing (MSF) and Mass Marking (MM). To aid both recovery of salmon and provide reliable and predictable opportunity for BC’s public fishery, action must be taken.  A solution that has been successfully implemented, mark selective fishing and mass marking, will be discussed by representatives from Washington State and Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Attendance to these sessions is free but you must register

Ask Questions
Written questions can be asked following each speaker using a free, simple tool called sli.do or slido.com.  Once the session begins, use a separate browser tab to access another web page, or use your phone, to go to slido.com, and enter the session code in the participant area.

On November 13th the code is: #MARKSELECTIVE. See samples of PC / mobile of the sli.do participant page. The chat function in the Zoom webinar will be disabled, so please ask and vote on questions posed through sli.do