Tag «fishery»

Victoria Fall 2023 SFAC Meeting

You are invited to the Greater Victoria Sport Fishing Advisory Committee meeting that will be held November 1, 2023, at the Esquimalt Anglers Association club house at 1101 Munro St, Esquimalt BC V9A 5P2.

  • The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm
  • To join the meeting online, please use the link provided in the agenda document, below.
  • Reminder that this is an election cycle and an election for the chair position will be held at this meeting.
  • Please see the documents below which include the agenda, past meeting minutes, and the 2023 regional recreational updates.
  • If you have questions please do not hesitate to reach out.

Chinook Fishery at April 1: Deja Vu

DFO recently issued fishery notice FN0315, “FN0315-Commercial, Recreational and Aboriginal – Salmon – Chinook – 2020 Fraser River Chinook Conservation Measures Update“, which puts in place the same measures as were instituted in 2019 at this point in the calendar year.

…beginning April 1, 2020 until further notice.

To address conservation concerns for at-risk Fraser River Chinook stocks, DFO is continuing precautionary reductions in commercial, recreational and First Nation’s fisheries to support conservation of Fraser Chinook. Given the early run timing of some Fraser Chinook populations, the Department is implementing management measures that were implemented for the 2019 season on an interim basis beginning April 1st, 2020. These measures will be in place on an interim basis to provide time for a technical review of the 2019 fishery management measures and completion of consultations on possible adjustments to these management measures for the remainder of the fishery.

DFO FN0315

DFO Fishery Monitoring Policy

DFO has announced…

the national Fishery Monitoring Policy and Introduction to the Procedural Steps for Implementing the Fishery Monitoring Policy are now posted live on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) website. This policy aims to bring consistency in the development, delivery, and evaluation of monitoring programs for all federally-managed wild capture fisheries in Canada.

Letter from Andrew Thomson, Regional Director for DFO Pacific Region Fisheries Management

The Fishery Monitoring Policy can be viewed here, while the introduction to procedural steps to implementing this policy may be viewed here.

Briefing Note: Recommendations for Restoring Southern British Columbia’s Public Chinook Fishery

A briefing note has been prepared by a broad group of concerned southern Vancouver Island citizens with the aim of restoring southern BC’s public chinook fishery. Please read the briefing note here.

(i) – Transition to Mark Selective Fishing (MSF) for the public fishery
during the recovery of wild Chinook stocks of concern;
(ii) – Utilize strategic enhancement in addition to protecting and restoring
critical habitat to reverse Chinook abundance trends; and,
(iii) – Protect the $1.1 billion annual public fishery, sustain employment,
and maintain the many benefits that accrue to Canada.

A Federal Election is planned to occur on or before October 21, 2019. Your support for British Columbia’s Public Fishery and assistance in these objectives being implemented are critical.

Herring Roe Fishery: Comments Sought

Pacific Wild has alerted us to the opportunity to provide DFO with our thoughts on the herring roe fishery. The ACS is responding in support of a reduction in this fishery that drastically reduces a key support of the food chain that, in the local ocean, leads to the southern resident killer whales.

Herring are a critical food source for chinook and coho salmon and a valuable link in the food chain which supports not only these salmonids but also numerous other fish species. By extension, herring also support the salmon eating resident Orcas and other marine mammal species.

The Amalgamated Conservation Society would like to see the commercial roe/reduction herring fishery curtailed but, at a very minimum, suggest that quotas be reduced by 30% coastwide – to take effect immediately.

DFO is taking comments until January 9. You may express your own thoughts on this issue to:

Victoria Postlethwaite
Pelagic Management Unit
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
1420-401 Burrard Street
Vancouver BC V6C 3S4
phone 604-666-7851
email victoria.postlethwaite@dfo-mpo.gc.ca