Tag «fisheries ntice»

Areas 19 and 20 – Chinook salmon rules for month of March 2021

Sport fishing Area 19 or 20 for chinook in March? Read the fisheries notice on the latest regulations.

Effective 00:01 hours March 1, 2021, until March 31, 2021, the daily limit for Chinook is two (2) per day. These Chinook may be marked or unmarked 45 cm to 67 cm, and hatchery-marked only greater than 67 cm.

These measures apply in the following waters:

Subareas 19-1, 19-3, 19-4 and 20-4 to 20-7 (those waters near Victoria between Cadboro Point and Sombrio Point).

FN0172-Chinook Salmon – Area 19 and 20 – Chinook Management Measures – Effective March 1, 2021