Tag «closure»

Chinook fishery at April 1: same old, same old?

A year ago April 1, we posted about DFO plans for the 2020 chinook salmon fishery here. This year, the fishery notice number has been updated to FN0345 or FN0349 – take your pick. Well that’s progress, I suppose. The words have changed a bit, but there’s still the same vague hint that perhaps, maybe, possibly, if the stars align, you’ll be allowed to fish for a marked hatchery chinook in the waters of southern BC. Maybe.

To address conservation concerns for at-risk Fraser River Chinook stocks, DFO is continuing precautionary reductions in commercial, recreational and First Nations’ fisheries to support conservation of these stocks. This Fishery Notice provides the interim recreational fishery management measures to provide protection to at-risk Fraser River Chinook stocks in Areas 11 to 28, 29, 121 to 127. The plan is to start the 2021 fishing season (beginning April 1, 2021) with measures in place at the beginning of last season, until further notice. As these are interim measures, a further announcement on possible revised management actions will be announced in a subsequent fishery notice.


Washington and Oregon Close Recreational Fishing

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) today announced its decision to temporarily close recreational fishing and shellfishing statewide in the wake of Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s order directing Washingtonians to stay home and stay healthy to limit the spread of coronavirus/COVID-19.

The closures will begin at midnight Wednesday, March 25 and last until at least 5 p.m. on April 8, 2020. WDFW will re-evaluate on April 6 whether the closure may need to be extended.

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Read the whole story here.

Following the announcement today by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) that it will close all recreational fisheries in the state of Washington, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced that it will close recreational salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River, effective Thursday, March 26 at 11:59 p.m.

My Eastern Oregon

This covered in full here.

ACS Letter to Minister Wilkinson

The ACS has sent a letter to the Minister of Fisheries & Oceans and Coast Guard, Jonathan Wilkinson, requesting that recreational fishermen be permitted to retain one hatchery marked chinook salmon – respecting daily, possession and season limits – in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Strait of Georgia effective July 15.

There is obviously no conservation concerns for these Fraser River Chinooks after July 15 as your department is allowing full scale netting within the Fraser.

In a recent interview on radio station CKNW, there appeared to be a disconnect between what the Minister stated as policy and what the DFO published as fact.

Our members were shocked by your statements on CKNW recently where you denied the existence of First Nations FSC net openings for these same early returning chinook stocks that your department is supposedly trying to protect. It was pointed out that over 90 First Nations FSC openings have occurred to date on the Fraser; according to the DFO website. These openings coincide with the spawning migration of the very same endangered chinook stocks of concern.

CKNW, Jill Bennett Show, Sunday Edition, July 7, 2019, 7:58 into the 51:03 recording

March 1 deadline to respond to 2019 Fraser River Chinook Conservation Measures

DFO has distributed information that describes the actions DFO is proposing to take to address Fraser River chinook conservation concerns in 2019. They are seeking your feedback by March 1, 2019.

The table shown below, from DFO’s letter, summarizes the options they are proposing. You are strongly encouraged to provide them with your feedback.

Table 3: Summary Table of proposed management actions for Scenario A and B
Fishery Scenario A Scenario B
NBC AABM (Area F) Troll Closed to July 17 Closed to July 10
WCVI   AABM   (Area   G)
Closed to August 1 Closed to August 1
Kamloops  Lake  Chinook Demonstration Fishery Closed Closed
NBC AABM No   measures   proposed   for   Fraser chinook  No   measures   proposed   for   Fraser chinook
NBC ISBM No   measures   proposed   for   Fraser chinook No   measures   proposed   for   Fraser chinook
WCVI AABM (Areas 121
to 127)
a)   Apr 1 to July 31, Chinook non- retention;
b)   Aug 1 to Dec 31, 2 Chinook/day.
No   measures   proposed   for   Fraser chinook 
WCVI ISBM No   measures   proposed   for   Fraser chinook No   measures   proposed   for   Fraser chinook
Johnstone   Strait   (Area 12) c)    Apr 1 to July 31, Chinook non- retention;
d)   Aug 1 to Aug 29, 1 Chinook/day (with option for terminal fisheries);
e)   Aug 30 to Dec 31, 2 Chinook/day.
a)   Apr 1 to August 29, 1 Chinook/day (with option for terminal fisheries).
b)   Aug 30 to Dec 31, 2 Chinook/day.
Strait of Georgia – North
Areas   13   to   17,   28,
portion of 29 (29-1 and
a)   Apr 1 to July 31, Chinook non- retention;
b)   Aug 1 to Aug 29, 1 Chinook/day (with option for terminal fisheries);
c)    Aug 30 to Dec 31, 2 Chinook/day.
d)   Apr 1 to August 29, 1 Chinook/day (with option for terminal fisheries).
e)   Aug 30 to Dec 31, 2 Chinook/day.
Strait of Georgia – South and
Juan de Fuca
Areas 18 to 20, portions
of Area 29 (29-3 to 29-5)
a)   Apr 1 to July 31, Chinook non- retention;
b)   Aug 1 to Aug 29, 1 Chinook/day (with option for terminal fisheries);
c)    Aug 30 to Dec 31, 2 Chinook/day.
a)   Apr 1 to July 31, 1 chinook/day; hatchery marked only
b)   Aug 1 to Aug 29, 1 Chinook/day (with option for terminal fisheries)
c)    Aug 30 to Dec 31, 2 Chinook/day.
Fraser River Tidal and Non Tidal and Sub area 29-6 to 29-10 a)   Jan. 1 to August 23 , No fishing for salmon.  Aug. 23 to Dec. 31, Chinook non-retention a)   Jan. 1 to August 23 , No fishing for salmon.
b)  Aug. Aug 23  to December 31, 1 Chinook/day
Freshwater          Regions 3,5,7 &8 b)   closed to fishing for salmon except in some areas where fisheries on other stocks or species may take place. c)    closed to fishing for salmon except in some areas where fisheries on other stocks or species may take place.
First Nations
South Coast a)   Fishing to FSC communal allocations as in previous years; marine FSC Chinook fisheries are largely terminal and directed at local Chinook stocks.  No measures proposed for SCA First Nations chinook fisheries. A)   Fishing to FSC communal allocations as in previous years; marine FSC Chinook fisheries are largely terminal and directed at local Chinook stocks.  No measures proposed for SCA First Nations chinook fisheries.
Lower Fraser a)   Jan. 1 to Aug 10, very limited impacts on chinook in FSC fisheries
b)  After Aug. 10, targeted chinook fishing or bycatch during sockeye- directed opportunities.
a)   Jan. 1 to Aug 10, limited chinook directed FSC fisheries with effort limitations extended to Aug. 10 or bycatch during sockeye- directed opportunities
b)  After Aug. 10, targeted chinook fishing or bycatch during sockeye-directed opportunities.
BC   Interior         d/s   of Thompson Confluence a)   Jan 1 to Aug 10, very limited impacts on chinook in communal FSC fisheries. Time or gear restrictions.
b)  After Aug. 10 limited selective chinook fishing or bycatch during sockeye-directed opportunities until.  Later in August, targeted chinook fishing or by-catch during sockeye directed fishing. Low impact terminal harvests.
a)   Jan 1 to Aug 10 limited communal FSC fisheries. Time or gear restrictions.
b)  After Aug 10, Directed chinook fishing or bycatch during sockeye-directed opportunities.
BC   Interior         u/s   of Thompson Confluence Note: the only chinook in the  area  are  Spring  52 and Summer 52 chinook. Fisheries in the area constrained by preferred gear type or fishing times. Discussion required to reduce overall catch. Fisheries in the area constrained by preferred gear type or fishing times.

Upcoming Victoria SFAB Daytime Meeting Oct 17 10 am – 12:30 pm

Chris Bos, Victoria and Area Committee Chair, Sport Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB), extends an invite to

WHAT: Victoria and Area SFAB Committee Post-Season Meeting
WHEN: Wednesday October 17th – (10:00 AM –  12:30 PM)
WHERE: Esquimalt Anglers Lounge, 1101 Munro Street, Victoria

This meeting is open to the angling community and the public. Please feel free to broadcast this information so the SFAB consults with a wider audience.

Draft agenda for Wednesday’s meeting:

  • 2018 Consultation Timing regarding Salmon Measures (SFAB, IHPC, 25-35% Reduction, SRKW)
  • Post-Season Chinook Salmon Fishing (Angler Observations)
  • 2019 Halibut TAC Expectation and Committee Guidance on Season
  • Southern Resident Killer Whale Measures and JDF and Gulf Islands Closures
  • Commercial Crabbing Concerns
  • 2 x Shellfish Farming Tenure Proposals
  • Enhancement Updates

Join SVIAC and MP Mel Arnold at a Town Hall Meeting on Wed June 6th in Sooke

From Christopher Bos, President, South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition, we’ve received this notice:

South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition cordially invites you to attend our important upcoming meeting …

WHAT: SVIAC Town Hall Meeting w/ Mel Arnold MP about Fisheries Issues
WHEN: Wednesday June 6th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Prestige Oceanfront Resort (Orca Spirit Room) – 6929 West Coast Road,  SOOKE  V9Z 0V1

Meeting Purpose:  Following the recent negative DFO announcement regarding SRKW fishing closures and extra fishing restrictions, SVIAC has arranged a town hall meeting for fishery stakeholder organizations, local fishermen and the Community of Sooke to share their perspectives and voice their concerns about the implications of the new restrictive measures.  This meeting will also serve as a first step toward organizing a coordinated response campaign to DFO and the government about their decision to unfairly victimize the public fishery.

About Mel Arnold:  Mel is the Member of Parliament for North Okanagan – Shuswap. He serves as the Conservative Deputy Shadow Minister for Fisheries, Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard and as a member of the Standing Committee on Fisheries. He also served as president of the BC Wildlife Federation and understands our BC salt water fishery.

Note: If you are unable to attend I ask that you arrange for alternate representative from your organization to be there.

Please feel free to contact Chris Bos directly prior to the meeting if you have any questions.

Phone: (778) 426-4141
Mobile: (778) 967-2363
Email: Chris@AnglersCoalition.com

DFO to close fishing west of Otter Point – SVIAC asks you to write or phone Minister LeBlanc

Christopher Bos, President of the South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition, writes:

SVIAC have just learned that DFO’s proposed sport fishing closure for SRKWs in Juan de Fuca Strait will have boundaries between Otter Point in Sooke and East Point in Port Renfrew and is set to be a “no Fin Fish Fishing” zoneThe closure will start on June 1st and run through to September 30th. The SFAB asked for Fossil Point just west of Point-No-Point and no salmon fishing for the closed area. Closing the fin fish fishing west of Otter this summer is a terrible idea, will not save a single Southern Resident Orca and, as anglers, we must all let DFO know how seriously bad this decision will be for the community of Sooke.

Today several members of the SFAB met with DFO staff to discuss the soon to be announced SRKW Actions outlined in DFO Minister LeBlanc’s press release (see below).  We made a plea that the SFAB proposal be honoured.  However, it seems clear that the SFAB proposed closure boundaries reached after thorough consultation with many local anglers has been ignored by the Minister.  A real slap in the face to the respected SFAB process.

An SFI and SVIAC talking points and letter writing information document is attached [ed. – see below] – it includes names, email addresses and phone numbers 

So before the formal fishery notice is released YOU MUST ACT IMMEDIATELY to protect your fishing opportunities!  Wednesday is likely too late

NOTE – Please share this with any anglers who you think will write or phone.

Thank you sincerely for your help and support

SRKW Writing Points SFI&SVIAC-1