Some important correspondence from Tom Davis:
Hello anglers, charter operators and angling business owners. There is an important recreational fishing meeting scheduled for Tuesday Feb 27th at the Four Points Hotel in Langford from 7-9.30 PM. It is co-sponsored by the South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition, the Public Fishery Alliance, the Fraser River Sportfishing Alliance and the BC Recreational Fishing Association.
It is an information sharing and public input Town Hall meeting to discuss the pervasive damaging regulations that have been imposed on what was once the largest ocean recreational salmon fishery in the world.
A panel of speakers has been assembled from the hardest hit regions of the south coast to discuss these issues and take questions from the audience. It is time to stop further erosion of angling opportunities.
I know that some of you are aware of this meeting as the details have been shared broadly on social media, but I wanted to extend a personal invitation to those who may not yet know about it.
If you are able to attend please do so, bring a friend and share this email with others in your fishing circles.
There will also be a 9.9 HP outboard motor door prize and a silent auction.
I suggest you arrive early to register and to avoid delays.
An information poster is attached [see above].
Tight lines,
Tom Davis