Tag «bcfdf»

Skeena tragedy, managed by DFO

In contrast to 2,000-year old fishing practices are those managed today by DFO. The Skeena River steelhead are considered to be “at extreme conservation concern”. So why not allow a fishery that takes them? Rod Clapton of the BC Federation of Drift Fishers has asked our Minister of Fisheries & Oceans that specific question, or rather, “Why?”

Re: North Coast Post Season Review
Minister of Fisheries & Oceans
Hon. Joyce Murray, Minster

Dear Minister: 

We are writing to express our grave concerns that a reported 1923 wild Skeena steelhead were reported retained in First Nations fisheries in the non tidal portion of the Skeena river, despite the lowest reported returns in history. With 5300 steelhead estimated to return this retention represents 36% of the estimated return, which will be further significantly reduced by other factors such as predation & poaching.  We must question the sincerity of your Ministry regarding past commitments toward protecting steelhead stocks of concern and working collaboratively with the province and the recreational  fishery. Why are [you] continuing to allow fisheries that are non selective and targeting stocks at [the] point of extreme conservation concern

From recent SFAB meetings we had some sense of optimism that DFO was serious about protecting steelhead and working with the province and sectors with joint efforts to protect and enhance steelhead stocks in B.C.  As evidenced with interior Fraser steelhead and now Skeena stocks, these fish are at point of extreme conservation concern.   Allowing this devastating impact on Skeena stocks makes a mockery of potential recovery efforts.  Allowing this impact is a direct slap in the face to the many representatives of the recreational fishery who have worked tirelessly toward protecting steelhead and  supported required actions including closing of any rec fishing opportunities. 

Permitting a fishery on an established stock of concern suggests that your Ministry puts sector allocation on a species at risk above conservation concerns.  If that is policy, it puts at risk our sincere efforts to work collaboratively with F/N’s and others in a very difficult position.    

Your comments in response to this very serious situation are greatly appreciated as we know our concerns are shared by many organizations and anglers at large province wide.  

Rod Clapton, President

SFAB Main Board Meeting Synopsis

Rod Clapton, member of the Sport Fishing Advisory Board main board, as well as president of the BC Federation of Drift Fishers, provided some insight into the recent two days of SFAB main board meetings.

  • New DFO Pacific Region head Jamie Scrogg provided a comprehensive, province-wide presentation on the non-tidal salmon fishery, north and south. Creel numbers are not yet available, but are an important measure of the in-river recreational fishery’s impact on salmon stock. Further meetings with DFO staff are expected to take place in March and April regarding tributary fisheries.

These Region 2  Fraser & trib special  meetings were the result of our joint lobbying to the RDG & supported by people like Dean Allan & Terri Bonnet. Imperative we continue these useful discussions.

Rod Clapton email 20210207: Main Board SFAB
  • Of the 538 page long Integrated Fisheries Management Plan, Salmon, Southern BC, DFO senior staff member Jeff Grout highlighted the submission for the BCFDF bar fishery. The bar fishery is subject to approval by both the Province of BC and DFO. Provincial approval or denial is imminent. Any DFO approval, given the IFMP, will likely not occur before June.
  • The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), Canada’s response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and court decisions upholding the fishing rights of First Nations are pushing DFO to change the way in which they manage the salmon fishery and the interests of those participating in the fishery. The SFAB and the BCFDF believe they will need to lobby on behalf of the public to ensure the voice of the recreational fisher is heard.
  • SFAB expressed strongly to DFO staff that the proposed Terms of Reference for the Salmon Allocation Review must include the Public Fishery as an equal participant, rather than be cast to the sidelines as an observer.

Recognized that current & developing Round Tables will play an important grass roots role in both Reconciliation & salmon allocation issues. Discussion on requirement of DFO to consult with the Public Fishery the potential impact of selective fishing proposals…

Many challenges remaining but a lot of great people contributing.

Rod Clapton email 20210207: Main Board SFAB

BCFDF Raises Concerns re: Steelhead

The BC Federation of Drift Fishers has sent an impassioned plea to our provincial Minister of Agriculture, the Honourable Lana Popham, to take drastic and substantive steps to stop this iconic BC species from becoming fully extinct.

We are asking you to declare a state of emergency for B.C. steelhead and convene an “Emergency Summit” to review ALL options to save these B.C. icons. Our organization working with provincial staff co-hosted a summit several years ago. This was held at BCIT with fisheries staff participating along with stakeholders province wide. Unfortunately, recommendations reached were never acted on.

You may read the entire missive here.