Notice of Important DFO – SFAB Meetings on Feb. 16, 2022

A note from Chris Bos, local SFAB committe co-chair:

The DFO Southern Resident Killer Whale Recovery Team have agreed to present their 2022 proposed salmon fishing closure options to our local SFAB Committees.  The SFAB is seeking your expert angler knowledge about the areas in question and have arranged two separate meetings for our constituents to hear from DFO and ask questions about the DFO proposals.  Closures, if approved by the minister, would be in effect between June 1 and October 31 and mean no salmon fishing.    You can attend the meeting that relates to areas you fish, either one or both meetings.  The meetings are:

Online Meeting 1 – Wednesday February 16th from 11:00am to 12:30pm – for Victoria – Juan de Fuca – Port Renfrew – Nitinat

Microsoft Teams meeting – Join on your computer or mobile app  Click here to join this meeting at 11:00am

Online Meeting 2 – Wednesday February 16th from 3:00pm to 4:30pm – Fraser River Mouth – Southern Gulf Islands

Microsoft Teams meeting – Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join this meeting at 3:00pm                  –

There is also already a DFO online survey circulating on the same issue with their proposed closure options identified that seeks public feedback.   The deadline for public response to the survey is March 2, 2022.  

The SFAB suggests that local anglers wait until after the two DFO presentations before completing the DFO survey.  Using input from the SFAB constituents and local angling knowledge, there may be some special recommendations or hybrid options to put forward by the SFAB.