From DFO Fishery Notice FN1062-Salmon, some numbers worth calling out:
The estimated total sockeye salmon escapement past Mission to September
24 is 5,055,200. From the spawning ground report, more location specific numbers:
Location | Count |
Scotch Creek counting fence, Aug 9 onward | 79,300 |
Eagle River hydroacoustic site, Aug 10 onward | 233,325 |
Nadina Spawning Channel, post-fire impacts | 26,515 |
Stellako River hydroacoustic site, Aug 1 onward – Nadina sockeye | 178,085 |
Gates Creek | 1,874 |
Chilko River hydroacoustic site, Aug 3 onward | 576,353 |
Quesnel River hydroacoustic site, Aug 7 onward | 803,232 |
Stellako River hydroacoustic site, Aug 1 onward –Â Stellako sockeye | 141,340 |
Birkenhead River hydroacoustic site, Aug 23 onward | 12,163 |
Sweltzer Creek, July 31 onward – Cultus Lake sockeye | 30 |
You can view much more detail on this topic on the website of the Pacific Salmon Commission.