FOCUS Magazine: Vancouver’s role in the chinook-sewage-orca death spiral

FOCUS Magazine has published an article that takes DFO to task for its inaction and seeming ignorance regarding chemical discharges from sanitary sewage treatment plants on the lower Fraser River. In Washington state, scientific studies have connected sanitary sewage chemical contamination of salmon natal waterways that empty into Puget Sound to a reduction by half of salmon smolt survival, compared to smolt survival rates in uncontaminated waterways.

With chinook runs on the verge of collapse, you would think that Meador’s published research on chinook estuary contamination, only 200 kilometres away, would have prompted DFO to narrow the gap in their knowledge. We contacted DFO, but as of our press deadline a spokesperson had been unable to confirm whether or not any DFO-affiliated scientist was investigating the impact of the Fraser River estuary wastewater treatment plants, or other sources of chemical contaminants, on the survival rate of juvenile chinook.

A thought provoking read.