Chinook Fishery at April 1: Deja Vu

DFO recently issued fishery notice FN0315, “FN0315-Commercial, Recreational and Aboriginal – Salmon – Chinook – 2020 Fraser River Chinook Conservation Measures Update“, which puts in place the same measures as were instituted in 2019 at this point in the calendar year.

…beginning April 1, 2020 until further notice.

To address conservation concerns for at-risk Fraser River Chinook stocks, DFO is continuing precautionary reductions in commercial, recreational and First Nation’s fisheries to support conservation of Fraser Chinook. Given the early run timing of some Fraser Chinook populations, the Department is implementing management measures that were implemented for the 2019 season on an interim basis beginning April 1st, 2020. These measures will be in place on an interim basis to provide time for a technical review of the 2019 fishery management measures and completion of consultations on possible adjustments to these management measures for the remainder of the fishery.

DFO FN0315