BC Conservative MPs express support of the Public Fishery

Conservative Members of Parliament Bob Zimmer (MP for Prince George – Peace River – Northern Rockies), Ed Fast (MP for Abbotsford), and Mel Arnold (MP for North Okanagan – Shuswap) have written an op-ed in support of the Public Fishery.

They call Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Bernadette Jordan to task for ignoring the recommendations, arrived at in concert with the Sports Fishery Advisory Board, of DFO staff; instead choosing to repeat, and indeed expand, the prior year’s non-retention of chinook salmon.

In 2019, and then again in 2020, restrictive Chinook regulations were introduced that covered most of the public fishing season.

These are decisions based on politics, not science. Many Chinook salmon stocks in BC rivers are strong or stable.

excerpt from BC Conservatve MPs to Minister of Fisheries and Oceans